
Café Mosebryg

You will probably not be able to live at Tingbjerg  without visiting our bar at least once. Located just below building 10, and run by our residents (the Bar Committee), it is a great place to  blow off some steam after a long week. Open most Thursdays from  21-23, and on some Saturdays for bigger parties. But let the pictures speak instead of  the words.

To get regular updates about parties and other events (like the famous Tour De Kitchen), join the bar's  Facebook  page!

Tour de Kitchen

After  a Danish tradition, Tour de Kitchen is a popular fixture in dorm life. During TDK, each participating kitchen decorates , and chooses a costume along the same theme. They also devise a drink, enough for all participating people. The participants then go from kitchen to kitchen, enjoying each other's parties. In the end, the most popular kitchen wins.

In Tingbjerg kollegiet, Café Mosebryg organizes TDK each year.

The Music room

In the basement of 18 is a sound dampened music room complete with speakers, amps and microphones, a mixer, an upright piano and a keyboard, and a drumset.  Those who have access can sing, practice or play together between 12 and 22 each day.

To gain access, please talk to the Office.

pool rum cafe
pool rum cafe